Actresses automatically increase the TRP rating of any random media company. We need just the spark to create a wildfire that could either elevate or tarnish their reputation. Generally, we look forward to tarnishing actresses’ names as it creates a hulla-bulla among our viewers. Nobody could ever beat us in this game of gossip because we own this domain of lush news. When I produce an article on women, I put their reputation on a platter for eager critics to devour them. Do they deserve this? Am I to judge? Divorces among celebs would be projected as hot news when I emphasize the actresses’ rainbow lives. It gives our viewers a ‘tip of the iceberg’ experience and we coat the rest as suspense. As a tiger faint from hunger would even eat grass, the audience would devour anything sprouting from my mind. I find it rather interesting as I acknowledge myself as a best-selling author writing non-fiction novels about romance, scandals, marriages and divorces.
The Power of Media Manipulation:
If heaven and hell ever exist, I confidently assure you of my reserved table for one in hell as you know of my job. As a good lawyer would lie truthfully, I, being a bigfoot (columnist), write the law or in other words, I AM THE LAW. “A picture speaks a thousand words,” I have them too! The Paparazzi hunger for their whereabouts and their life, whereas I decide what news should be broadcast to my viewers.
The Audience’s Hunger for Scandal:
My viewers hunger for a sneak peek into the actresses’ dark side. I hold the power to change any woman’s life. That’s what the world grants me, and I use it in my field of expertise. A pen, paper, and a name are all I need to change or disintegrate an actress’s life. Society gives me an advantage as their taste in entertainment mostly deals with objectifying women. Directors, producers, and actors leak secrets to me regarding the promiscuous activities of numerous actresses just for opportunities in films. Even this world cannot contain the volumes of scandals I can speak of.
The Price of Success:
Most of the top-paid actresses have been very industrious and have ventured through vice to be successful. Success comes with a price that costs shame and morality. I am not the devil, but people often call me that. They dwell in the illusion I create regardless of whether the content is true or not. It is indeed a pity when I see people falling and needing the help of sin to rise. Beware, ladies and gentlemen, as you see, I am your nemesis.